

Provides global weather data via API, including current weather data, forecasts, nowcasts, and historical weather data for any geographical location

Weather data in a fast and elegant way

OpenWeather are providing highly recognisable weather products that make working with the weather data a way easier. OpenWeather work with millions of developers around a clock and believe that these benefits might be suitable for most of applications, up to the complex enterprise systems.

A spectrum of out-of-the box weather products

Short-term and long-term forecasts, history and observation

Any location on the globe

Transparent pricing and licensing

Our weather products are accessible via fast, reliable APIs that follow industry standards and compatible with different kind of enterprise systems. All our products content essential climate variables for any location. Besides that, we have some special products that helpful for industries that are affected by weather condition. Amongst them are Road Risk and national weather alerts.

Out-of-the box weather products

Openweather out-of-the box weather products cover majority of requirements for different businesses. In all our products, we provide essential weather parameters such as temperature, precipitation, probability of precipitation, humidity, feels like, pressure, cloudiness, wind, etc. The full list of weather parameters for every weather API you can find on the product pages in the API documentation.

Dedicated weather products

Besides out-of-the box products, we provide dedicated weather products such as Road Risks that also might be helpful for specific application:

  • Road Risk provides weather data and alerts along a route and at the point of destination, with minute accuracy for the first two hours
  • Weather alerts from majority of national weather warning systems worldwide; available in One Call API with a short list of parameters and as a National Alerts API with a full list of parameters

Openweather NWP model

Openweather NWP (numerical weather prediction) allows to calculate weather data for any location. We use proprietary convolutional neural network that collects and processes wide range of data sources to cover any location and consider the local nuances of climate. ML technology allows us to reach resolution about 500 m and very high accuracy between 90% and 100% with inaccuracy about 1%. Amongst data sources we feed to the NWP are 82,000 weather stations spread globally; national meteorological agencies (NOAA, Environment Canada, Met Office, etc.), radars, weather satellites.

Weather data in a fast and elegant way

OpenWeather are providing highly recognisable weather products that make working with the weather data a way easier. OpenWeather work with millions of developers around a clock and believe that these benefits might be suitable for most of applications, up to the complex enterprise systems.

A spectrum of out-of-the box weather products

Short-term and long-term forecasts, history and observation

Any location on the globe

Transparent pricing and licensing

Our weather products are accessible via fast, reliable APIs that follow industry standards and compatible with different kind of enterprise systems. All our products content essential climate variables for any location. Besides that, we have some special products that helpful for industries that are affected by weather condition. Amongst them are Road Risk and national weather alerts.

Out-of-the box weather products

Openweather out-of-the box weather products cover majority of requirements for different businesses. In all our products, we provide essential weather parameters such as temperature, precipitation, probability of precipitation, humidity, feels like, pressure, cloudiness, wind, etc. The full list of weather parameters for every weather API you can find on the product pages in the API documentation.

Dedicated weather products

Besides out-of-the box products, we provide dedicated weather products such as Road Risks that also might be helpful for specific application:

  • Road Risk provides weather data and alerts along a route and at the point of destination, with minute accuracy for the first two hours
  • Weather alerts from majority of national weather warning systems worldwide; available in One Call API with a short list of parameters and as a National Alerts API with a full list of parameters

Openweather NWP model

Openweather NWP (numerical weather prediction) allows to calculate weather data for any location. We use proprietary convolutional neural network that collects and processes wide range of data sources to cover any location and consider the local nuances of climate. ML technology allows us to reach resolution about 500 m and very high accuracy between 90% and 100% with inaccuracy about 1%. Amongst data sources we feed to the NWP are 82,000 weather stations spread globally; national meteorological agencies (NOAA, Environment Canada, Met Office, etc.), radars, weather satellites.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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